Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Should Christians explicitly state their faith when writing a publication?

         I think this depends on the publication you’re writing for and what the topic is. Personally, I would have a hard time not including God in the things that I write because He is such a huge impact in my life. When writing about everything he created how can I not admire and adore Him? Every ounce of me and every breath I take is only by his crazy grace upon grace. At the same time; I can understand why one would have to leave God out of the picture. Depending on the job that I get, I would have to deeply think about this issue. Would God be most glorified if I risked my job in writing about Him, or would he want me to build a stable career writing about other things first? There can be great power that comes out of a newspaper or magazine if they are internationally known first.
I don’t think I know an exact answer yet, because so much good can come out of both choices. I have a friend that is a co-editor in chief of a magazine in New York and that magazine is on men's fashion. I see her struggle through parties and dealing with non-Christians on a daily basis. It really takes a strong person to stand your ground and plant it firm on the Lord. She does a really good job of being calm and collected as well as rejoices in the Lord for everything in her life.
She is such a great example of someone I hope to be like. What a great ministry it would be to be out in the world with many unbelievers, but be able to work with them. Hopefully when my time comes, God will use my life as an example whether I work as a Christian writer or not.

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